Meet Children's Author and

Motivational Speaker

"Anthony Quinn Davis"

Anthony Quinn Davis is an author and motivational speaker who seeks to inspire critical thinking, social change, and introspection through his children’s stories. His desire to positively impact others through his stories, is derived from his own childhood experiences and what he refers to as our mysterious world at large. Anthony is a graduate of Ohio Dominican University, and he also holds master’s degree in psychology from National University.

Dive into the enchanting world of

“ADHD My Secret Power”

10-year-old Orion is a highly creative and imaginative little boy, who sees every day as an opportunity for a new adventure. In addition to being a talented artist who loves to draw and paint, Orion enjoys playing with his sister, Sophia, and his bulldog, Bruno. While Orion excels in school and loves learning new things, he can’t seem to pay attention for very long during class time.
In addition, Orion often forgets where he places his personal belongings, such as his toys and school supplies. Being concerned about their son’s frustration of being inattentive and losing things, Orion’s parents seek out therapy for their son, where he soon learns about A.D.H.D, which empowers him to change his personal narrative.

A Modern Day Fable

“Sophia and the Missing Socks"

Have you ever wondered exactly what really happens to all those socks which seemed to have magically disappeared in your dryer? Do they simply disintegrate under he intense heat of the tumble cycle? Or is there someone or something or mysterious at work here?
For curious eight-year old Sophia, this age-old mystery would lead her on a magnificent dimensional journey beyond her wildest dreams.

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