Press Biography

Being a highly imaginative and curious child, I loved science fiction movies and the Choose Your Own Adventure book series. I would often ponder the possible existence of mythical creatures, magical lands, and journeys to other planets, which have yet to be explored by humankind. In addition, I always relished any opportunity to drift off in my thoughts and daydreams.

Unfortunately, as I matured into my late teens and young adulthood, my interest changed, and I did not read as much as I once did in my adolescence. However, my curiosity about all things and my vivid imagination nurtured my inner child. Similarly, I would later rediscover my love for escapism through books and I now even identify as a self-proclaimed bibliophile.

Although an unexpected journey, my career as an Indie Author has taken my life full circle, by enabling me to bring my imagination to life on paper. I am thankful for the opportunity it provides for creative expression, while also providing the opportunity to inspire anyone of any age to follow their dreams.

Motivational Speaking Engagements:

"Inspire Your Audience with My Talks"

As a motivational speaker, I am passionate about helping others reach the apex of their potential, through critical thinking and self-inquiry. A key element of my message/presentation involves exposing individuals to accomplished writers, dynamic public figures, and studies which promote continual learning. In addition, I aim to help others question and alter negative self-narratives, which may be systemic of traumatic life events in one’s past or present.

My desire to help others is born from my own traumatic childhood and life challenges, including being diagnosed with ADHD as an adult. I hold a bachelor’s degree from Ohio Dominican University and a master’s degree in psychology from National University. My previous speaking accolades includes lecturing to first year students at Ohio Dominican University in Columbus, Ohio.


Lecturing Topics include, but are not limited to Bullying, Anxiety, ADHD, Low Self Esteem, Loneliness/Isolation, Inclusion, Empathy, Independent and Critical Thinking.


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Get to know the Author

As the old saying goes, I would say that I didn’t choose writing, it chose me. If you had told me 20 years ago that I would be a writer someday, I would have never believed it. During my childhood I always enjoyed the stories which took me on an unexpected journey. As a children’s author, I can hopefully create this same experience for others.

I love to tell stories that both children and adults can relate to, but more importantly, I love to tell stories that teach valuable life lessons, while capturing the imagination by taking the reader on an adventure.

Thus far, both of my published books are inspired by my life experience, both childhood and as an adult. In Sophia and the Missing Socks, who has not ever wondered what happened to their socks, which seem to just vanish in the dryer. In writing ADHD My Secret Power, I drew on my personal journey with ADHD, coupled with my studying psychology in graduate school.


Once I get an idea for a new story, I begin to visualize the story and the characters in my head. This is one of the most exciting phases of the creation process for me, for I get to allow my imagination and inner child to go wild. Next, I start the writing process by creating a story board with power point.

I would say that my favorite part about being a writer is being able to use my imagination and creativity to hopefully create fun and inspiring stories for my readers.

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